How to practise New Year Reflections rather than Resolutions


Do you usually start the New Year thinking of all the ways you can do better and be better this year? Maybe taking on lots of goals or challenges, only to feel overwhelmed and demoralised only a few weeks later? Yep me too, a million times over! This is why I have put together for you some tips on how to do things differently this year. It’s time for New Year Reflections rather than Resolutions:

Tune into how Winter is for you

Winter is a time of year when nature draws backs and conserves energy. As we’re not separate from it, we we can often feel like doing the same. We all experience things differently though so it is a great practice to work out how this time of year actually affects you personally. How are your energy levels? What foods are you being drawn to eating? How have your sleep patterns changed? What is your mood like? You could maybe go for a walk out in nature and tune into the changes you see, smell, hear and feel around you and how this impacts you. This insight can be a great starting place for making an individualised self-care plan for you.

Start with gratitude for the year that’s just gone.

It is easy to get yourself in the mindset of looking back at all the things you haven’t achieved or managed in the past year and therefore how you can improve in the next one. This can put you in a negative headspace that can break down self esteem and motivation before you’ve even begun. Instead, try practising looking back at all the things you have achieved and are grateful for from the last year. This will get you in a mindset of looking at all of your resources, gifts and support you have and using them to propel you forward.


Take time to resource yourself 

Resourcing is all about taking care of yourself so you feel energised and supported for taking on what lies ahead. Just like the flowers and leaves dying back and the plants focusing on their root structures, we need to pull back too and not try and be in bloom all year long! What resources you can be completely personal. It could be reading, chatting with friends, cold water dipping or doing some meditation. Whatever gives you that feeling nourished. Reflect on what these things are and then make sure you schedule time in for them, especially during these winter months.

Reflect on how you are

It’s amazing how long we can go stuck on autopilot, not actually having the time to know how we are. How about following winter's queues this year and practising slowing down by saying no to a few things. Then set some time aside to chat with a friend who’s a good at listening or just take time by yourself to answer: how am I? Try and be as honest as you can and not to sensor your answer! You may be surprised by what comes out.

Ask yourself what you need

From knowing how you are, it is next great to ask: what do I need? Again this could be done by just taking time to be by yourself to tune in and listen or maybe chat it through with a someone. If the need that comes out feels unachievable for your current circumstances, like I need 3 months lying on a beach doing nothing, then maybe try distilling this to the essence of that need, like I need more rest or I need more time by the Sea. Once you have found this need, again plan this into your year ahead so you can start to take care of yourself on a deeper level.


Adapt your workouts 

Due to less light in winter, the sleep hormone melatonin increases and we feel more lethargic. Therefore the New Year might not be the best time to take on lots of regular dynamic workouts, as you just might not have the energy for it. Instead you could maybe focus on low-impact strength work or mobility sessions, such as Pilates or Yoga. This could then set you up nicely for building core strength and range of movement ready for the Spring ahead when you start feeling more spritely and can take on more.

Plan for changes coming in Spring

Instead of expecting to take lots on lots of new goals in the middle of winter when resources and energy are down, how about use this time to work out what changes you might like to see bloom in Spring instead. You can then spend the next couple of months laying the foundation and setting intentions for these plans instead, so that when the season changes you are ready to take action and see your plans come into flower.
Want some help this New Year?

If you’d like to put some of these tips into action how about join Alice online for: Winter Reflection: Build Strength, Resource and Set Intentions In 7 Days. You will enjoy guided meditations, breath work, somatic techniques and strength workouts, plus a worksheet for making achievable and meaningful plans for enhancing your wellbeing.

Alice Fletcher