11 Self-care ideas in no more than 15 mins


Self-care in no more than 15 mins

Most often than not, for many of us juggling work, family life and social commitments, we can only grab 15 mins here and there for a bit of much needed self-care. But what to do with this precious time? Well here’s a few ideas to give you some inspiration. And if you’d like some help with how to make time for yourself when your busy, check out our other blog post 6 Ways to practice Self Care (even when you have very little time).

So grab a cuppa and let’s jump in:

  1. Focus on your breath. Your breath is free, always with you and one of the most effective ways to look after your wellbeing you can find. So if nothing else, steal some moments of mindfulness to focus on breathing deep into the belly, and let you mind stop racing. You could be on a train, walking to work or sat at home, but even 2 mins everyday of bringing your attention to your breath and practicing long, slow and deep breaths (ideally through your nose if it isn’t blocked) can do you absolute wonders.

  2. Listen to your favourite tune. Get the headphones on or turn up your speakers. If you’re a music lover than a few minutes dancing about to your favourite tune or listening contently can be a great way to have some fun and refresh yourself in just a few minutes.

  3. Get your hands dirty. There’s nothing quite like getting your hands in some soil to help ground you. If you’ve got a few minutes, do a little gardening either outdoors or with some house plants to help release some tension.

  4. 15 min home workout. Moving your body doesn’t always need to look like a long sweaty workout at a gym. If you’re limited on time you can do a quick home workout to get you connected with your body. You can always try some of ours on Brave On Demand for free!

  5. Drink a cuppa mindfully. The next time you’re having a tea of coffee break, use it wisely. Rather than flicking through your phone as your mindlessly gulp, spend the time focusing on all the sensations of drinking that cuppa. How the mug feels in your hand, the temperature as it touches your lip, the taste as it’s in your mouth and the sensation of the liquid going down as you drink. Notice the thoughts that arise as you do so and then gently bring your attention back to your experience. Then enjoy feeling far more refreshed and present once your break is over.

  6. De-clutter your space. If you are sitting amongst a clutter home of work space, it can clutter your brain too and lead you to feeling more overwhelmed. That’s why taking a few minutes to tidy up a little can work wonders at caring for yourself. You don’t need to do it all at once, with a short amount of time maybe focus on one draw, table or shelf at a time.

  7. Connect with a friend. There’s nothing like connecting, offloading and having a giggle with a friend. So reach out to someone you’re close to, even just for 10 mins, for a quick chat. If you can, get outdoors with them for a quick walk instead, even if it’s just over the phone.

  8. Get creative. You don’t need to be Picasso to get creative in some way, and the arts is a wonderful way of getting some headspace. Maybe its just a quick 5 mins doodle where you let the pen move wherever it wants to, or you try a bit of knitting or take some photos. It really doesn’t matter the outcome, just allowing your creative juices to flow a little and loose yourself for a moment might just be the selfcare reset you need.

  9. Practice gratitude. Grab yourself a diary and start a daily practice of taking a few minutes of noting down the things you are grateful for in your life. Taking time to notice all the great things you have going on can give you an increased sense of optimism, decrease stress and have a positive impact on your relationships. Big win in not much time!

  10. Have a nap. When you are tired, every.single.thing. you do becomes hard work. I realise it’s not always possible, but when it is, stop fighting it and just take a nap. Even if it’s just focusing on your breath and closing your eyes for 10 mins; instead of reaching for the coffee, you’ll allow yourself time to turn off and refill the tank until you can get a proper nights sleep. It ain’t lazy, it’s simply biology.

  11. Let someone care for you. Self-care isn’t always about you doing something for yourself. It can also be acknowledging that you need to reach out and ask for some help. When time is limited, maybe gain a little be asking someone to take a job off your hands or simply make you a cup of tea. Don’t forget, most people actually like to help others. It builds connection and valuable friendships that you too can feed back into another time. So ask for help.

Of course though, self-care is personal to each and every one of us and so I encourage you to use this list as inspiration but to also take time to notice what nourishes you the most in your life. This could be looking out for what gives you an overall sense of calm, makes you take a long exhale or breath into the belly, causes you to think clearly, gives you joy, or makes you feel energised when you do it. Then make sure this is a MUST in your schedule.

And don’t forget, we are all worthy of self-care.

Stay brave,

Alice x

Alice Fletcher