Change takes courage

Hey, I’m Alice and I created Brave Move to recognise the everyday moments of courage that get us where we want to be. I wanted to bring creativity, care and an open-mind to the exercise experience, helping others beat the barriers they face starting and excelling in a healthy fitness and wellness habits.

Exercise never came easy to me. It was intimidating, hard work and to be honest, most of the time made me feel pretty inadequate. I failed over and over to stick to what I thought I should achieve and never looked like the magazines I was flicking through, making me feel more and more anxious.

That's because it turns out looking after my health needed to start with a lot more kindness then that. I found succeeding at my fitness goals wasn't really about ability, it was about self understanding. If I understood the way I was thinking about myself, the way I moved and what moved me, and did it from a place of acceptance and care; I could achieve so much more.

I overcame a long battle with anxiety and depression, began long distance running, Boxing and embodied movement practices, had a baby and started my business…life really changed!


The wonderful thing was that it was a two way street. The more powerful my body became the stronger my mind did too. They began to look after each other - and this sent a positive ripple across my entire life.

I became a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach and founded Brave Move in order to help others over come this same battle.

A clear distinction is often made between mind and body but when considering mental and physical health the two should not be thought of as separate. I became driven to teach health and wellness in a way that considers all our messy imperfections; helping more people connect with their bodies and feel the benefits deeply ingrained into their lives.

Now Brave Move brings together like-minded health professionals that want to bring you more than just fitness - to reflect that good health lives, breathes and moves through every aspect of our lives and it is something we all deserve.

If you’re local to Bristol, you can always meet me at one of our Outdoor Classes or for a 1-to-1 Holistic Personal Training session. Not in Bristol? Then you can workout and take care of your wellbeing with me and my team online whenever you like with Brave Move On-Demand.

I love chatting about all things fitness and wellness and how I can help you on your journey, so if you’re not sure how Brave Move can help, feel free to contact me to arrange a chat.
